Learn About Flooring

Study: Renovations’ Resale Value & Alternative Solutions

By Charlie / July 18, 2024 /

It’s widely accepted that the most popular home renovations, such as kitchens and bathrooms, often produce the best return on investment. However, our extensive experience in home improvements led us to question this belief.  To uncover the facts, we delved into the data to determine whether homeowners are being misled or if they hold incorrect…

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professional flooring installation

Professional Flooring Installation | Expert vs. DIY Options

By Charlie / July 16, 2024 /

Wondering if you should trust your DIY skills or call in the pros? We get it – you want to save money, but you might be scared that a DIY flop would only end up costing more in the long run. We’re here to walk you through both options, highlighting the pros and cons, budget…

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